Having all your iMessages in iCloud is pretty neat because you can search for any message you’ve ever sent to anyone… ever. Do you want to know how many times you’ve used 😱 in a sentence? Go for it. Do you need to fact-check how many Happy Birthday’s you’ve sent to your best friend? Knock your self out, weirdo.

But. iMessage search is pretty bad.

Why was I talking about raccoons?

It shows you the total number of matches but provides no way to navigate through each instance, it just plops you down at the most recent result, which your stupid brain probably would have remembered anyway.

Someone dear to me asked recently, “can you re-send me that one gif you made of my cat leaping through the air a couple years ago?”. I remembered that I put it up on giphy and texted it to them, but I couldn’t find a trace of it anywhere.

Finding iMessages with SQL

I learned that there’s a chat.db file in ~/Library/Messages/chat.db. Yay! Here’s how:

Start sqlite3 with the file.

sqlite3 ~/Library/Messages/chat.db

Use .fullschema so I can find names of the tables.

sqlite> .fullschema
CREATE TABLE _SqliteDatabaseProperties (key TEXT, value TEXT, UNIQUE(key));
CREATE TABLE message (ROWID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, guid TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, text TEXT, replace INTEGER DEFAULT 0, service_center TEXT, handle_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, subject TEXT, country TEXT, attributedBody BLOB, version INTEGER DEFAULT 0, type INTEGER DEFAULT 0, service TEXT, account TEXT, account_guid TEXT, error INTEGER DEFAULT 0, date INTEGER, date_read INTEGER,

... etc ...

See what’s in the column text in the message table.

SELECT text FROM message LIMIT 5;
thank you ❤️ I hope you do too, good luck studying!
why I’m I here, and not there?
dang, I need to follow nonoburger

Yup. Definitely my nonsensical texts. Also why do I talk like a teenager? Let’s find the GIF.

SELECT text FROM message WHERE text LIKE '%.gif%';
From reddit:
One of my employees set a trap to catch a skunk in her backyard. She got her dog instead. The look of humiliated rage on this dog's face... http://imgur.com/sAE4pcP.gif

I found it! I also realized this is a fun way to find all the best links you deemed worthy of sharing. There’s all kinds of useful columns to put in your queries:


So there you have it:

My cat leaping through the air